Good day my followers☘️

It is the 22 nd of December.The next place is Taqi Telpakfurushon🥰🤩

With the help of this blog you can gain enough information about this building🤗

This is a large hexagonal trading dome, which was once a book selling dome and later mainly sold caps. Now, as with the other trading domes, it is souvenirs made by local craftsmen.
Taki Telpak Furushon Domed Shopping Arcade

Taki Telpak Furushon (‘headgear sellers’ dome’) is a six-sided arcade with a central spherical dome with openings. Around the main dome there were smaller domes of shops. Originally they sold books in the arcade, so it was first named Kitab Furushon (‘booksellers’ dome’). Later they sold headgear there. Various headscarves, scull caps, turbans and fur hats are still offered in the arcade.
Our travel was so amazing🤗.
Becauce we learned another new place🤩


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